3-min. meditative quarantine “haiku” filmed at a Zen retreat.
Watch for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxmqSLgtp-Q
Available at www.docuseek.com
and in the US at www.ovid.tv
Feature-length cinema véritéportrait of one of the world's greatest stage directors at work, shot over the course of a year. From his first sketches in pencil until opening night, we witness Carsen's creative processes as he adapts Leonard Bernstein's “Candide” (based on the classic 18th century novela by Voltaire). Carsen's name is not well known to the general public, but it's a household word among the heads of every theater, museum, and opera house in Europe and the US. While his primary focus is bringing an audacious, contemporary visual style to classical operas, his wide-ranging work includes “Karl For Ever”, a 2019 tribute to Karl Lagerfeld for the Grand Palais in Paris, and a cowboy show for Disneyland Paris which has been running for 25 years. His recent and up- coming works schedule can be seen at https://www.operabase.com/a/robert- carsen/14779/en
Feature documentary on the field of “Entertainment-Education”, aka « soap operas for social change ». Sundance Documentary Fund/Stories of Change, Skoll Foundation, US National Endow- ment for the Arts. World Premiere at the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). Broadcasts on Arte (European TV), DR/Denmark, YLE/ Finland.
Watch for free here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCJSr6w4Jp0&t=10s
A portrait of one of the world's worst anti-LGBT activist/bigots, single-handedly and successfully lobbying for anti-gay legislation abroad, including life in prison in Uganda and anti "gay propaganda" laws in the Russian Federation. This piece is compiled entire from archival footage found on youtube and on human rights groups' website. Lively is currently being sued for crimes against humanity.
Watch for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjjLqoCCNY0&t
Feature-length visual essay on the power of objects. Shot on HD in 10 countries and in 16 languages. Funded by the US National Endowment for the
Arts and Arte (European TV) NPS (Dutch TV), and cinema funds in France, the Netherlands and Germany. Cinema Distribution: US premiere at the Roxie (San Francisco), followed by openings in US independent cinemas, with theatrical releases in Canada, Germany, Netherlands, and screenings at many film festivals. 2006 Grand Jury Prize at Ecofilms in Rhodes (Greece).
Streaming: Netflix (US), DVD: Magnolia Films (US), Television: Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Australia. Schools and libraries can purchase public performance licenses by contacting @Docuseek
Website: http://www.mana-the-movie.com/mana.html
Watch for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPznJlyjjwc
Experimental short on the impossibility of transcending the banality of daily life. Commissioned by Arte (European TV).
Subjective portrait of gay life in Marseille, France. Commissioned by Channel 4/UK and Arte TV-France.
Scientific research into the aging process and the possibilities for extending lifespan. Featuring Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn. Co-production Arte (French TV) & BBC/ UK. US DVD release: First Run Features. Broadcast in 12 countries. Now available in the US on DVD from First Run Features. Watch for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nPoPQB6mfw . Schools and libraries can purchase public performance licenses by contacting @Docuseek
Feature-length essay on the life and death of (biological) cells, featuring Nobel Prize winners Robert Horvitz and Rita Levi-Montalcini. Prix Europa in Berlin for Best European Documentary, Jury Prize at the Visions du Réel Festival in Nyon Switzerland, and 8 other awards. Screened in New York at the Museum of Modern Art's “Cineprobe” series, in Guadalajara, Mexico at INPUT (International Public TV conference), and in Barcelona, Spain at "Best of INPUT". US national prime-time broadcast on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), followed by broadcasts in 40 countries. Funded in the US by ITVS/the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and in Europe by ZDF/Arte (German TV) and various French film funds. Now available in the US on DVD from First Run Features. Watch for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrfJ31qs9Do&t=39s .
Schools and libraries can purchase public performance licenses by contacting @Docuseek
See also http://4columns.org/ anderson-melissa/silverlake-life (Firefox or Safari only).
Feature documentary based on Tom Joslin’s video diary of his struggle with AIDS. Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize and Freedom of Expression Award, Los Angeles Film Critics Award, International Documentary Association Award, Peabody Award,
Prix Italia in Rome for Best Documentary Worldwide, Teddy Bear at the Berlin Film Festival. Season Premiere of PBS series POV. Broadcast in 50 countries. 50-city US theatrical release by Zeitgeist Films, screened at more than 100 film festivals worldwide, including the IDFA/Amsterdam series "Documentary Masterpieces," and the Munich Documentary Festival series "Best Docs We've Ever Shown".
Now available in the US on DVD from First Run Features. Schools and libraries can purchase public performance licenses by contacting @Docuseek
Watch the film for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3nyUxLXn8w&t=21s
and the Epilogue here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqQWnXLISjk&t=3s
Short portrait of an openly gay and HIV positive mailman in the deep American south. Broadcast in the US and Australia on public television. New York screenings: New York Museum of Modern and the Whitney Museum.
Watch for free here
Schools and libraries can purchase public performance licenses by contacting @Docuseek
One-hour portrait of a “pet psychic”. Southern Circuit, an 8-city tour sponsored by the South Carolina Arts Commission. Broadcast in 9 countries.
Watch for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjVAvymXw6M&t
Schools and libraries can purchase public performance licenses by contacting @Docuseek
Short Oscar-nominated documentary portrait of a vaudeville-era musician. Broadcast on US public television. Watch the film for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoQa4RfIg3g
and with Spanish subtitles (con subtitulos en español aqui:) here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgVGFUPUneY&t=498s
Schools and libraries can purchase public performance licenses by contacting @Docuseek